
I am Doyin Aluko

a programmer.

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Hello there.

Welcome to my website. I am Doyin Aluko, and I am Nigerian. I am a believer, I am a footballer, and I definitely love meeting new people. It is one thing that generally gives me joy. And of course, I am a programmer as well.

My Skills.


The football life

I never thought I`ll have the chance to build a website and tell the world that I am a footballer. But well, I am a footballer, and it has always been a lifelong ambition of mine. I am 6ft3" tall, and I am right footed towering defender.


The afro model

There is no way you are going to be into sports and not have a passion to look good as well. I typically pride myself in the afro that I keep.

Get In Touch

You can contact me for further information about myself.

I will be extremely happy to answer any question you have for me per time. What are you waiting for? Hit any of the buttons below.


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